
Sustainability and its surrounding values are at the strategic core of Ramboll globally. As a multidisciplinary expert organisation, we are involved in the development of societies across disciplines, from water to infrastructure and from energy solutions to holistic urban development.

One of the main challenges we face today is the construction sector where the increasing emissions do not yet support sustainable development.

Combient Pure collaboration is one key in understanding the value chains and the factors that influence them in the construction sector. Ramboll emphasizes the importance of being part of a new model of joint working, where both low-carbon solutions and new design approaches in wood construction are weighed together with the construction industry and product component supplier.

Combient Pure collaboration has opened the door for Ramboll to a more transparent dialogue in optimizing construction processes. The building contractor's mindset and design processes have been supported by the expertise of a timber product component supplier, allowing low-carbon building solutions to be considered from a cost-effective perspective. Greener construction is here to stay and making it commercially viable is the sum of many factors. Our aim is to refine this equation from concepts to practice in the near future.

Picture credits:
(c)Pedro Pegenaute